Top 5 Wednesday - Books over 500 Pages

Mittwoch, 26. November 2014

   Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Lainey & Mindy. Check out the Goodreads page here!

   This week we are talking about chunky books with more than 500 pages. This is an interesting one because I'm not too sure if I have many of those, at least not in English. The thing with German books, or those translated into German, is that due to the language they are always way longer then the originals so maybe I will have to cheat a little. We'll see! Again, no particular order here.

   #1 The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin - 546 Pages
   This book. Just this book! It's awesome but the end. Oh the end it gets me every time. So many feels and tears and just I cannot even. This book has the perfect length and just leaves you wanting the final book, The Retribution of Mara Dyer, asap. If you pick up the books now they are already all out so you can marathon them and won't know the awful suffering of waiting a year for the last book to come out. Lucky you.

   #2 Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead - 588 Pages
   Again, a great final book to a outstanding Vampire series. So many feels, so much action and just so much going on. Perfect.

   #3  Battle Royal by Koushun Takami - 617 Pages
   So violent and so bloody. It's been a while since I last read this one or watched the movie but it was a good one even though I have to admit I did struggle a bit with the names.

#4 Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare - 576 Pages
   What an ending to a phenomenal trilogy. Beautifully crafted and just perfect. I did tear up a little a few times but all in all this was a great read and a perfect ending to The Infernal Devices Trilogy.

#5 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling - 870 Pages
   Longest book shortest movie. Weird. But I think this one was one of my favorite Harry Potter books, close behind Deathly Hallows. But it truly is crazy long. In German it is even longer - 1080 pages in hardcover.

Review: Die Tribute von Panem: Mockingjay Part 1 (Film, 2014)

Donnerstag, 20. November 2014

Titel: Die Tribute von Panem: Mockingjay Part 1
Original Titel: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
Erscheinungsjahr: 2014
Länge: 123 Minuten
FSK: 12
Hauptdarsteller: Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss Everdeen)
Josh Hutcherson (Peeta Mellark)
Liam Hemsworth (Gale Hawthorne)
Julianne Moore (President Coin)
Phillip Seaymour Hoffman (Plutarch Heavensbee)
Basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Roman von Suzanne Collins.

Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) erwacht nach dem zweiten Hunger-Games-Turnier im Schiff der Rebellen. Da District 12 von der Regierung zerstört wurde, wird sie im unterirdischen District 13 versteckt. Sie erfährt, dass der District 13 entgegen der offiziellen Geschichtsschreibung noch immer existiert und jetzt die Anführer der Revolution stellt.

Auch wenn Kattnis zögert, sich der Truppe anzuschließen, erkennt sie, dass sie kaum andere Möglichkeiten hat. Die Rebellen wollen Katniss’ Popularität für ihre Zwecke ausnutzen und sie zum ‘Mockingjay’ aufbauen, dem Propagandaidol der Opposition gegen das Capitol. Gleichzeitig wird Peeta (Josh Hutcherson), der nicht aus der Arena gerettet werden konnte, von der Regierung gefangen gehalten. Er wird gezwungen, sich vor Kameras von Katniss und den Rebellen loszusagen und einen Waffenstillstand zu fordern... (

   Der lang erwartete dritte teil der Die Tribute von Panem Filmreihe ist endlich da! Ein Jahr lang mussten die Fans darauf warten aber nun ist er endlich in den Kinos.

   In Mockingjay Part 1 sehen wir die Verfilmung der ersten hälfte des dritten und finalen Buches der Tribute von Panem Trilogie. Der Film fokussiert sich mehr auf Katniss und dass was zwei mal an den Hunger Spielen teilnehmen und der Verlust von Peeta, welcher vom Capitol geschnappt wurde, aus ihr gemacht hat. Sicherlich waren sich die Leute, die für diese Filme verantwortlich sind, von Anfang an darüber im Klaren, dass sie die Erwartung an den dritten teil, dank des grades an Genialität welchen Catching Fire präsentiert hat, sehr hochgesteckt haben und das es wirklich ausgesprochen schwer wird den Erwartungen der Fans gerecht zu werden. Daher hat es mich nicht wirklich überrascht das Mockingjay Part 1 leider nicht ganz so großartig ist wie Catching Fire. Es gibt keine interessante Arena mehr, kein Kampf um leben oder Tod in dem sinne wie es in den ersten zwei Filmen war. Nein, in Mockingjay Part 1 und 2 geht es um die Rebellion gegen das Capitol welches ein für alle Mal gestürzt werden soll.
   Generell hat mir der Film dennoch ausgesprochen gut gefallen und ich fand es interessant, dass es dieses mal eben so sehr um Katniss und ihren zustand ging, auch wenn es nicht ganz so den riesigen Effekt hatte wie es im Buch war, wobei ich wirklich nicht weiß wie sie dass hätten machen sollen ohne dass die Schauspielerin es einem in einem Voice Over einfach erzählt hätte.
   Die Art wie Distrikt 13 dargestellt wurde war gut, auch wenn es nichts Außergewöhnliches war. Es gab schon mehrere Filme die in unterirdischen Bunkern spielten, welche nun mal meist grau und trüb sind, jedoch gab es hier und da ein paar interessante Details die es wieder rausgeholt haben. Beispielsweise gibt es eine Szene in der alle Bewohner von Distrikt 13 eine lange Serie an Treppen hinuntersteigen müssen. Die Szene wird kinematographisch genial dargestellt und genau das sind so kleine Details die den Film doch wieder gut machen.
   Des Weiteren wird auch Distrikt 12 gezeigt, welcher dank der Bomben die das Capitol abgeworfen hat komplett in Schutt und Asche liegt. Die Art wie Jennifer Lawrence Katniss spielt, als sie dort ankommt und die Verwüstung sieht, war spitze und zeigt mal wieder warum gerade sie ausgewählt wurde um Katniss zu spielen.
   Etwas was in diesem Film auch nicht immer so perfekt war, wie es in den zwei Vorgängern war, war meiner Meinung nach die Musik. Es gab ein paar stellen und Szenen in denen die Musik nicht wirklich zu dem was gerade passiert passte oder wo sie einfach ein bisschen zu laut oder aufdringlich war. Dann aber gibt es wieder Szenen in denen die Musik einfach genial ist und die Stimmung einfach noch mehr unterstreicht. Somit könnte mal also sagen, dass sich die weniger guten und sehr guten Momente ausbalancieren.

   Zu den schauspielern kann man sagen das die Neuzugänge wie zum Beispiel Natalie Dormer (bekannt aus Game of Thrones) welche Cressida spielt, in ihrer rolle sehr überzeugend wirkte und äußerlich perfekt zu der Figur passte.
   Auch Julianne Moore, welche Präsident Coin spielt, eine großartige Leistung abliefert. Die Art wie President Coin dargestellt wird, und äußerlich kreiert wurde, ist perfekt und überzeugend. Die grauen haare und die Art zu sprechen, welche Julianne Moore für Coin gewählt hat passen wirklich außerordentlich gut und ich bin froh dass sie für die Rolle gewählt wurde.
   Liam Hemsworth, der Gale spielt, hat sich selbst in diesem Film übertroffen. Schon in den ersten beiden filmen hat er Gale grandios dargestellt jedoch kamen in diesem film die Gefühle welche Gale für Katniss hat und die Tatsache, dass Gale eigentlich fast schon eine tragische Figur ist, sehr gut zum Vorschein und alles was er sagte, auch die wirklich emotionalen stellen, stellte er perfekt dar, so dass man es ihm wirklich alles glaubte.
   Josh Hutcherson hat es geschafft die schrecklichen dinge welche Peeta in diesem Film durchlebt einfach nur sagenhaft überzeugend darzustellen. Auch die Art wie die Stylisten es geschafft haben, die Verschlechterung von einem Körperlichen und seelischen zustand zu zeigen war genau so wie ich es mir beim lesen vorgestellt habe. Es gab ganz besonders einen Moment, in dem Peeta fast wie in einer Art Trance seinen Text runterleiert und als er dann auf einmal Katniss sieht, hat man sofort das Gefühl als würde ihn das aus dieser Trance aufwecken und die Art wie Josh genau dies zum Ausdruck bringt ist überragend.
   Auch die vielen anderen Charaktere in der neuen und ungewohnten Umgebung wieder zu sehen war interessant und die Schauspieler haben, meiner Meinung nach, eine gute Leistung abgeliefert. Sicherlich gab es hier und da ein paar kleine Momente in denen ich mir gewünscht hätte, dass sie es vielleicht doch ein wenig anders gemacht hätten, aber alles in allem waren alle wirklich gut. Insbesondere Donald Sutherland, der den verdammten Präsident Snow spielt, zeigte auch in diesem film wieder, was für ein überragend guter Schauspieler er ist und das genau er der richtige für die rolle ist. Einfach nur überzeugend und angsteinflößend gut.

   Alles in allem kann man sagen das Mockingjay Part 1 einfach am "Zweiter Teil"-Syndrom leidet. Dies bedeutet das er einfach ein brücken film ist, welcher die Spannung und Szenerie für das finale setzt und aufbaute während er selbst nicht wirklich viele herausragende Momente zu bieten hat, was natürlich nicht heißen soll das er schlecht ist, sondern einfach nur nicht so Aktion geladen und spannend wie die beiden ersten teile.
   Das ende ist, wie auch schon bei Catching Fire, einfach nur der hammer. Man könnte es ungefähr so beschreiben, dass das ende einem förmlich das herz aus der Brust reißt und einen blutend am Boden liegen lässt, für ein ganzes Jahr, bis man für den finalen film wieder zusammengeflickt wird. Sie haben den perfekten Moment für das ende ausgesucht, welches dafür gesorgt hat, dass man definitiv den nächsten teil sehen will, auch wenn nur um zu sehen was weiter mit **** passieren wird.

  Mein Fazit ist daher, das Mockingjay Part 1 zwar nicht ganz den Erwartungen gerecht wird, wahrscheinlich eben weil Catching Fire die Erwartungen so hochgeschraubt hat, aber dennoch ist es ein wirklich guter film mit interessanten Szenen und Momenten die einem definitiv Lust machen den Letzt teil nächstes Jahr zu sehen. Ich hatte mir zwar doch, besonders nach den Trailern, etwas ein kleines bisschen besseres gewünscht, als das was wir Letzen Endes bekommen haben, aber es ist nicht tragisch. Was tragisch ist, ist die Tatsache das wir auf den nächsten film ein ganzes Jahr warten müssen.

   Ich gebe Die Tribute von Panem: Mockingjay Part 1 4 von 5 Sternen.

Top 5 Wednesday - Rebellion Groups

Mittwoch, 19. November 2014

   Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Lainey & Mindy. Check out the Goodreads page here!

   This week we are talking about Rebellion groups and honestly this si a really hard one. But, let's try and find 5. As always, these are in no particular order.

   #1 Mockingjay - The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
   To many spoilery spoilers could happen if I explained this one in more detail so let me just tell you one thing: they are awesome. Read the books. Do it. And then watch the movies.

   #2 Real Life vs. Digital School - Awaken Trilogy by Katie Kacvinsky
   In Maddie Freeman's future America everything is done digitally. School, shopping, socializing and even going for a walk or ballroom dancing. No one meets in real life anymore. But, there is a movement which wants real life back and those guys are amazing. This Trilogy totally holds out a mirror to show us just how many things are currently going wrong and how it could possibly end up one day. Amazing.

   #3 Anti-Slating - Slated Trilogy by Teri Terry
   Slating is a process done to teenagers before they turn 16, I believe, when they show criminal behavior. What it does? It erases everything. Your personality, your memories and everything else. Once you are slated it's all gone and you have to learn everything once more. It's horrible. But, luckily there are people out there who stand up against it and the way this story unfolds over the trilogy is absolutely amazing.

   #4 Rebels vs Rose - Hunting Freedom Trilogy by Alice Reeds
   The Rose is the new government which was set up 44 years ago after the world went to hell during war. The Rose provides it all: safety, education and a place for everyone to live and work at. It might all seem nice and dandy but there are other out in the shadows who know that reality is not quite as pretty as it might seem on the outside.

   #5 Dumbledores Army - Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
   The one is probably the most obvious choice on this list because how could I not include this iconic group of students who stood up against that wicked woman, Umbridge, and gave the students of Hogwarts until the last book.

Top 5 Wednesdays - Couples

Mittwoch, 12. November 2014

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Lainey & Mindy. Check out the Goodreads page here!

   This week on Top 5 Wednesday we are talking about our favorite couples, or so called OTPs. For those who might not know it, OTP stands for One True Pairing but let's face it, we all have like a huge list of OTPs. Again, these are in no particular order.

   #1 Mara Dyer & Noah Shaw from The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
   I love these two. They are perfect together. Mara is such a twisted character and Noah is so broken himself but together they heal each other. I love the dynamics between these two. How at first Mara almost hates his guts and they tease each other but in the end they fall for each other in just the most beautiful way possible.

   #2 Rose Hathaway & Dimitri Belikov from Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
   Do I need to explain this choice? I mean I think I've talked about these two surely the most often or at least as often as I've talked about Mara and Noah. They are both really strong and distinct characters with minds of their own and just reading about those two, about their relationship and everything is just so funny and heartbreaking and I loved all of it.

   #3 Katniss Everdeen & Peeta Mellark from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
   I must admit, at first I wasn't the biggest fan of Peeta for reasons I cannot remember but as the story continued over the books I started to love Peeta and just the way Katniss and Peeta start to feel for each other and then everything that happens in Mockingjay. It's just perfect, heartbreaking to a point that's unexplainable. These two are amazing and I love them.

   #4 Maddie Freeman & Justin Solvi from Awaken by Katie Kacvinsky
   Maddie and Justin, so different yet so amazing together. At first Justin tries to keep their relationship on a mission level, meaning no feeling besides 'we have to because our cause makes us' but once they finally become a thing it's amazing. Especially the way their relationship unfolds, changes and grows over the second book. Just so good. So good.

   #5 Nastya Kashnikov & Josh Bennett from The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay
   Here we also have a case of two really broken characters who manage to be the savior of the other one. Nastya is gone through a horrible thing and isn't willing to speak to anyone ever until she meets Josh. At first she just watches him but once they start to become friends and everything starts to unfold it's perfect.

Review: The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

Mittwoch, 5. November 2014

The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
Published: November 4th 2014 (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers)
Number of Pages: 480 Pages (Hardback)
Series: Yes, #3 of Mara Dyer Trilogy
Buy it: The Book Depository
~ Free shipping worldwide ~

   Mara Dyer wants to believe there's more to the lies she’s been told.
   There is.
   She doesn’t stop to think about where her quest for the truth might lead.
   She should.
   She never had to imagine how far she would go for vengeance.
   She will now.
   Loyalties are betrayed, guilt and innocence tangle, and fate and chance collide in this shocking conclusion to Mara Dyer’s story.
   Retribution has arrived.

"She looked genuinely concerned, and I'm not sure I'd ever wanted to hit someone as much in my entire life." (Mara)

   Where to start, where to start?
   I've been waiting to read this book ever since I finished reading The Evolution of Mara Dyer for the first time maybe a year ago. I must admit, it was frustration to see the release date being pushed further and further back but, in the end, I am happy because I know that it was all worth the waiting.
   I've read a lot of trilogies over the years but rarely they had such a perfect last book as The Retribution of Mara Dyer. (I'm looking over at you, Allegiant) After reading the first two books I had so many question, just like everybody else. There was so much I wanted to know and that I felt needed more explaining and depth. And let's face it, after THAT EDING in The Evolution of Mara Dyer, we all needed this one to find out if certain things were true or not.
   I can promise you that this book will give you all the answers to any question you might have ever had regarding the characters, the chapters set in India et cetera. But, while you get a lot of details, informations and background to our beloved or hated characters, there are also moments and lines that will make you burst out laughing, loud. Michelle somehow managed to create teenage characters that really felt like teenagers. They made jokes that felt truly like jokes that teenagers make. They used pop culture references toward The Hunger Games, The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. It was simply brilliant.

"I thought you were going to give it the District Twelve salute." (Jamie)

   Oftentimes author create teenage character which just do not feel like the age they are said to be, but these characters did. They were amazing, smart but also had flaws which made them more real than a lot of other characters out in the world of books.

"Before I could say anything, Jamie began writing giant letters over the words with his index finger. F-U-C-K Y-O-U. My sentiment exactly."

   Something that makes this book stand out is the depth of detail we get regarding the medical and psychological aspect of what is happening to our lovely protagonists. I seriously am not surprised that Michelle Hodkin needed more time to write this book because I am sure it took a lot of time to figure that all out and make it sound so spot on as it is done in this book.

   It was also very interesting to get more background info regarding Dr. Kells which, in the end, helped you understand what was going on in her head and how it all fit together. And I admit, I might hate her now even more than I did in the previous book.

   Mara, on the other hand, now she goes through a lot in this book. But she is such a strong character that she still manages to survive it all, against all odds, even though she might not always make the best decisions ever but it all just perfectly underlines and explains all the things that are going on inside of her, the way the "thing" affects her mentality and personality. She is not afraid of making hard choices, not even the hardest one of them all.
   Jamie is just amazing in this book. He never loses his sense of humor and he is just such a great character and friend for Mara. Even at the worst times he decides to stand with her, despite how scared he might be. I enjoyed the fact that he had a bigger role in this book and that we got to see him so much for the last time.

"The freaks shall inherit the earth." (Jamie)

   There are also other characters which I would love to comment on BUT I don't want to spoil anyone. But I can tell you there are surprises coming, good and bad ones, so prepare yourself. One in particular surprised me a lot when I thought I might have it all figured out but then I realized "you know nothing, Alice (Jon Snow)"

"I want to double-fist the shit out of this pizza" - I still cannot believe that Michelle Hodkin managed to sneak this sentence into a published book. Amazing!

   All in all, The Retribution of Mara Dyer was more than just a worthy ending for this outstandingly amazing, dark, mind-blowing and brilliant trilogy. This book had it all, all the things a final book should have: Answers, moments that will make you laugh, moments that will make you cry, gasp and shocked, happy and sad, and the perfect amount of cuteness.
   The Mara Dyer trilogy is dark, twisted and psychological in exactly the way I love and want a book to be. It will make you fall in love with the characters, it will make you feel what they feel and it will make saying good-bye to them even harder.
   I am both happy that I have read this book and sad that this is it. There will be no more.

"This is a love story- Twisted and Messy. Flawed and Screwed up."

   To conclude this review I want to say Thank You Michelle Hodkin for writing this amazing trilogy, for giving us Mara, Noah, Jamie and all the other outstanding characters. This trilogy is truly perfect and I cannot wait to see what you will write next.

"My name is not Mara Dyer."

I give The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin 5 out of 5 Stars.

Top 5 Wednesday - Red Covers

Mittwoch, 5. November 2014

   Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Lainey & Mindy. Check out the Goodreads page here!

   This weeks we are talking about red covers where I have to admit that I don't have read many books which have a red cover. But, let's see what I can find and, as always, these are in no particular order.

   #1 Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
   I love this cover. I love the title and I love the book itself. Enough said.

   #2 Fractured by Teri Terry
   Somehow, normally this cover always looked redder then it does on this picture. Oh well. I really like the cover and I like that the covers for this entire trilogy are consistent. The cover fits the book perfectly.

   #3 The Secret Hour by Scott Westerfeld
   This cover is really nice and red. A fun thing is that the spines of the books in this trilogy, when put together, form a clock which is amazing and it's perfect.

   #4 Allegiant by Veronica Roth
   Again, here we have a case of 'in reality this cover is redder'. I really did not enjoy this book but it has a red cover so it counts.

   #5 Dark Inside by Jeyn Roberts
   I'm not the biggest fan of this cover. I think the white US version (if I remember correctly) is much nicer but that's the one I have. The book was all right and the cover is red so it has the spot.

October Wrap Up

Montag, 3. November 2014

   Hey guys!
   Somehow the month of October was not that big of a reading month for me. I mean I bought 5 amazing books yet I've only read 2. Like what? And I'm sorry that I did not film my warp-up just like last month but I've been sick all throughout last week and so I'm not really in a state that is good for filming.
Book of the Month:
I loved this book! It was action
packed, mysterious and amazingly
   Book of the Month: The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die by April Henry
   Most Anticipated: The Young Elites by Marie Lu.

   Books read:

   Books acquired:
  • The Girl Who Was Supposed To Die by April Henry
  • The Young Elites by Marie Lu
  • Die Insel by Manuela Martini
  • Der Anfang von Danach (The Beginning of After) by Jennifer Castle
  • Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch

   ~ In Progress ~
  • The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson (58%)
    Most Anticipated:
    You guys know just how
    much I love Marie Lu's
    Legend trilogy which is
    why I am super exited for
    this one, even though it's
  • Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead (87%)
  • The Young Elites by Marie Lu (70%)
  • Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch (8%)
  • HIM: His Infernal Majesty by Reinhardt Haydn (30%)
  • Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas (22%)
   I hope the month of November will be a little better in terms of reading, which I kind of doubt because November is the month of NaNoWriMo, in which I of course am again participating. But, we'll see how it goes and maybe I get some reading done anyways.

   I hope you're having an amazing day!