#ContinuousPractice: A 100 Day Challenge

Dienstag, 1. März 2016

   Today while scrolling through my twitter feed I spotted a tweet posted by Kim Graff linking to her blog talking about #ContinuousPractice. I was intrigued so I clicked the link, read the post and decided that, since I'm always on the hunt for new ways to motivate myself into writing every day, I want to do it.

   So, I'm presenting you the 100 day #ContinuousPractice challenge.

   This challenge was originally started by Saundra Goldman, where you pick something you can practice every day, be it writing, editing, outlining, yoga, meditation, etc. and do it daily for a set amount of time, which you can decide for yourself.

   Here is what you need to do exactly as listed on her page:
   1) Select a practice. Writing practice, meditation, yoga. Something you can show up for every day.
   2) At the end of your session, snap a picture or make a note of where you are.
   3) Post the photograph or description of your practice and locale and to Facebook, Google+ or Instagram.
   4) Don’t forget to include the hashtag, #ContinuousPractice.
   5) If you’re on Facebook, ask to join our Forum.

My 100 day #ContinuousPractice commitment

   With this post I'm committing to participate starting as of today, March 1st 2016, and going for 100 days. I will write/edit/revise/outline for at least 1 hour a day, since that seems more then doable, and then, once I'm done each day, post a update picture on my Instagram. Through posting this on my blog I'll at least have the fact that I'm participating documented and thus no way to just stop doing it after two days.
   Fell free to join me with whatever you'd like to practice daily. If you decide to do it, post it below in the comments or tweet me, @Alice_Reeds. Let's see how this will go!

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