Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Lainey & Mindy. Check out the Goodreads page here!
This Wednesday is all about the spooky/scary reads which are perfect for Halloween. By the way, I absolutely love Halloween with all the dressing up as scary or weird figures, the horror movies and all that belongs to it. Well, maybe except for the kids that ring your doorbell and demand candy. I don't like that.
#1 The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
This book is not scary in the traditional sense, I think. It's rather the mystery factor that can just creep up on you and make you doubt everything and anything that's happening in the book. It's a fantastic read. I love it. One of my favorite books of all time.
#2 172 Hours on the Moon by Johan Harstad
This book...Like, THIS BOOK! This one will just creep you out to a point where you will inevitably be scared of turning the lights off for weeks on end because this book is just creepy and scary and just. I cannot even.
#3 The Nightwalker by Sebastian Fitzek
Mr. Sebastian Fitzek is like way up on my favorite authors list, probably even on #1, and his books are just so creepy and scary that it would almost be a sin not to mention him and this book. It's takes the reader on a creepy and really scary journey which will stay on your mind even way after you finish reading it.
#4 Bad Girls don't Die by Katie Alender
This is a classical scary book designed to be scary. If little kids and creepy dolls freak you out, this is for you.
#5 Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Süskind
Another German author that makes it onto this list. But holy smokes this book is just amazing. What happens in it itself may not be scary in the classical sense, but solely the thought that out there, there might be a murderer who might kill you simply because he wants to collect the way you smell, now THAT is scary if you ask me.