3 Year Blogversary Celebration feat. Mel (The Book Moo)

Montag, 15. August 2016

   Today I'm joined by a very lovely BookTuber and book blogger - Mel from The Book Moo. I've stumbled across her videos and channel quite a while back and have been a viewer ever since. Additionally I also very much enjoy reading her reviews and other posts on her blog.
   When planning this entire thing I knew I had to ask her if she'd want to participate and, luckily, she said yes so let's check out her As to my Qs below:

   1) What does YA mean to you?
   YA means diverse and relatable characters who feel like best friends to me. It means a fresh perspective and different personalities with an awesome story. It means escaping into a new world and feeling at home there.

   2) What would you like to see done more of in YA?
   I'd like to see a group of females who don't need to rely on male characters for a story. Plus, can we like BAN insta-love?

   3) Could you tell us something about yourself and your blog/channel?
   I've been blogging for just over a year now and love it! I cannot believe how many book lovers are out there and the community is seriously amazing! My blog is: http://thebookmoo.blogspot.co.uk/
   I also ventured into BookTube and have been doing that for 2 years now. How time flies, it gave me confidence and self esteem that I didn't have before.

   Thank you so, so much to Mel for coming and answering my questions. What do you guys think of them? Also, have you ever seen any of her videos or checked out her channel and/or? If not you totally should give her a chance! If you want you could even check out the review of Petty Little Lives she did a while back.
   The next post will be up July 17th and feature the next amazing author.
   Thank you so much for reading!


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